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If Your Guy Does These 15 Things, He'll Always Be Faithful

Don't waste your time wondering.
At the top of nearly every survey about
what singles want in a partner is a
person who is faithful, loyal, and
trustworthy. In other words, singles in a
committed relationship want someone
who will not cheat on them.
Unfortunately, the reality of that desire
often comes to a painful end as time goes
on. Accurate statistics are hard to come
by (because lots of people don't want to
admit to cheating), but researchers agree
that 30 to 50 percent of men and 20 to 40
percent of women are unfaithful.
Can you ever know for sure that your
partner won't cheat? No, because people
and circumstances change over time. But
you can look for specific personal
qualities that offer a strong
predisposition for faithfulness instead of
1. Your partner keeps his/her word
in other areas.
Reliability and trustworthiness across
many aspects of life is a good indicator of
faithfulness in your relationship.
2. The person likes your friends but
keeps a respectful distance.
Researchers found that nearly half (45
percent) of men and more than one-
fourth (26 percent) of women are
attracted to friends of their partners and
are tempted to act on it.
3. Your partner does not keep
Small secrets can blossom into big ones
down the line.
4. He/she is aware of the danger
For instance, business trips are
particularly troublesome: 36 percent of
men and 13 percent of women said they
gave in to temptation on a business trip.
5. Your partner has extinguished
old flames.
Many people look back on past
relationships with fond memories, and
some even maintain friendships with past
loves. But wise individuals guard against
too much interaction with an ex. That's
because 32 percent of women and 21
percent of men who admitted to acting on
sexual temptation said it was with a
former boyfriend/girlfriend.
6. Your love is invested in
maintaining a friendship, as well as
a romance, with you.
Many individuals who get involved in
affairs have been unable to deepen their
love relationship beyond the early phase
of infatuation and adrenaline rushes.
7. The individual maintains proper
boundaries with coworkers.
That's because 60 percent of affairs start
at work.
8. He/she feels appreciated.
And this is where you can make a huge
difference: More than 90 percent of men,
and a similar number of women, said that
feeling unappreciated and unwanted
contributed strongly to their affairs.
9. The person is not a narcissist.
People with narcissistic tendencies—self-
absorbed, lacking empathy–are especially
prone to straying.
10. Your partner knows the
importance of a satisfying sex life.
After all, 52 percent of people with
unsatisfying sex lives said they would be
tempted to cheat, while only 17 percent
who were sexually satisfied said they
would be tempted.
11. He/she doesn't have an excessive
need to be admired and liked.
A need to have one's ego boosted leads to
inappropriate relationships from
someone eager to flatter.
12. At the appropriate time, your
partner will be completely open
about finances.
Since money disputes are the number one
cause of divorce, psychologists have
coined the term "financial infidelity," in
which individuals deceive their partner
with hidden debt, secret credit cards, and
undisclosed shopping sprees.
13. Your lover doesn't flirt with
anyone but you.
Flirting or checking out other people is
disrespectful to you, and disrespect is a
step toward unfaithfulness.
14. The person is realistic, knowing
no one is immune.
One of the biggest dangers is thinking "it
could never happen to me."
Approximately 69 percent of people who
cheated never considered it a possibility
before it happened.
15. Your partner's strong emphasis
is "we," not "I."
Faithful partners recognize the value of
preserving the relationship's love and
intimacy—and will take measures to
protect the special bond they share.


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