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Showing posts from April, 2015

How Antacids And PPI’s Can Destroy Your Health DRUG DANGER ALERT

New Science Shows Hidden, Deadly Risk Of Common Heartburn And Reflux Drugs   Dear Heartburn Sufferer, If you take any over-the-counter drug for your acid reflux, heartburn, or GERD... including Prevacid and Prilosec,... this timely report directly affects you. So take thirty seconds and read every word of this email. Carefully. These commonly used drugs suffered a major setback recently when the FDA warned that taking them can give you a dangerous condition known as "C-Diff". Now there is evidence to show Prilosec, Prevacid, and other PPI's ("Proton Pump Inhibitors") ... or the other common group of drugs for reflux called "antacids"... create another, potentially greater risk to your health. It seems antacids and PPI's are literally starving your body of vital nutrients, and leading to all sorts of deadly health conditions. Some conditions that have beenlinked to these drugs: Dementia Irregular heartbeat Iron deficiency