At what point should you make an appointment with your doctor?
This scenario can be very upsetting for any couple! What are the signs of infertility? There are certain critical symptoms that couples should look out for:
These symptoms are clues to help the
doctor make the correct diagnosis to
help couples in their situation. The earlier a diagnosis is made, the more opportunity couples have to deal with the issue. As such, doctors advise not to delay seeing a qualified medical expert.
Male infertility Statistics show that men are equally as likely to have fertility problems as women.
Impotency, erection or ejaculation
difficulties may be symptoms of other
underlying health conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes.
Low sperm count: There are all sorts of factors that can contribute to this sign of infertility. They include alcohol, smoking or drug abuse; poor diet, environmental
toxins, wearing tight underwear (bad circulation/heat), constantly sitting with legs crossed, bike riding (cutting off circulation and overheating), hot baths, having had a high fever within the last three months, X-rays and radiation.
Fertility experts recommend lifestyle changes if couples want to get positive result about their fertility issue.
Hormones: Experts warn that men may not realise that they can suffer from hormone imbalances –just as women do – and that when they do, it can be a sign of infertility. They warn, "Symptoms vary, but it is still important to let your doctor know if you notice any of the following signs as they may be clues: unexplained weight gain or loss; loss of muscle tone,
headaches; anxiety/depression/ mood swings; fatigue, low sex drive,acne/skin problems, chest enlargement, hair loss,puffiness /bloating, prostate enlargement symptoms (urinary problems), gallbladder problems like
indigestion, pain under the ribs on the right hand side, etc.
Infections: Men can contract infections of the reproductive tract through sexual contact, poor immunity, surgery complications and other medical factors. Men are advised to undergo check-ups for
any sexually transmitted infections, as these often show no physical signs straight away. Bacterial or viral infections can also affect the sperm count for some time afterwards. Though these problems
are there, the good news is that there are many treatments available with today's medical knowledge and breakthroughs to
help with fertility challenges. One tested and proved supplement that has been known to help in the treatment of male infertility is Addyzoa, a herbo-mineral whose ingredients are also used in a
number of anti-ageing, rejuvenating and virilising formulations.
Thus, various studies suggest that the
medicinal plants used in the formulation of Addyzoa are potent and novel therapeutic agents for the regulation of pathological conditions that may lead to male infertility.
Treatment with Addyzoa resulted in a
larger increase in sperm count, while a
significant increase of 1.5 to 2 times in
motility was also observed with Addyzoa, which is a better option for treating male infertility, as it also provides an advantage overUbiquinone (a supplement usually prescribed by doctors) in terms of cost of therapy.
Female infertility: Among women, some of the causative factors for infertility include age. It is not unusual for a woman to delay having a child in modern society,
and the reasons range from building a career and financial security, to marrying later in life.
Age: Experts say that for women,fertility declines with age, and this may start in the late 20's for some people. However, they say, that is not to say that advanced age means that a woman cannot get pregnant,only that a woman's chances of
conceiving lessen with each passing year. As a woman gets older, she may also have been exposed to several factors that can influence her reproductive system such as
poor diet, infections or stress. As such, assisted reproductive techniques are becoming highly sought after by older women.
Abnormal cycle: This is a common sign of infertility to look out for. There are a number of reasons why women may be having abnormal periods and this does not always mean infertility, but the
sooner a problem is addressed, the better. Symptoms may include irregular or absent periods, heavy and/or painful periods, any pelvic pain or discomfort in between menstrual cycles, etc. Hormonal
imbalances These are also common signs of infertility. There are numerous symptoms that you may not relate to fertility. These may include premenstrual syndrome,weight gain, anxiety and depression/mood swings,headaches, facial hair growth, hair loss, fatigue, night sweats/insomnia, acne, oily skin or
redness, puffiness and bloating, gallbladder problems like indigestion, pain under the ribs on the right hand side, etc.
Infections: These may be causative factors of infertility and need to be diagnosed as soon as possible. There are many reasons for infections, ranging from being sexually-transmitted, a low immune system or complications post-
Again, like the male fertility issue, solution to female fertility challenge is on hand. During clinical evaluations of M2-Tone, a herbo-mineral supplement indicated in the treatment of female fertility challenge, it was discovered
that it could help women in many ways,
beginning with providing solutions to all sorts of menstrual problems.
Another physician, Dr. Prasan Bhandari, a Medical Advisor with Charak Pharma Ltd., says "When M2-Tone is taken in conjunction with other detoxifying processes or regular exercises, it may just require about two to three dosages to see good favourable results. Both Addyzoa and M2-Tone are well tolerated, with little or no side effects recorded during clinical trials.
And, like any other drug, doctors warn
that you should consult your physician
before you embark on any course of treatment.