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5 Ways to Seduce your Guy.

You've scored some quality time with
your significant other Saturday night,
and it's just the two of you. So, how do
you seduce him? Believe it or not, the
goal of seduction is not sex and has very
little to do with physical intimacy, but
everything to do with turning on your
love's heart and mind. The following are
five surefire tips for successfully
seducing your guy.

Be Attractive
The art of seduction is largely visual. So
your first order of business, when trying
to seduce your sweetie, is to look the
part. And no, that doesn't mean shakily
stepping into four inch stilettos, donning
a tight sweater, and/or dousing yourself
in a gallon of eau de toilette. Instead,
you should accentuate whenever it is
about Y-O-U that makes you feel
fabulous – from your engaging eyes to
your winning smile to your sexy calves.
Before beginning your seduction, spend
an extra few minutes on your hair,
makeup, and/or wardrobe. By looking
and feeling your best, you'll feel more
confident and comfortable.

Be Romantic
In addition to being a visual art form,
seduction is also a cerebral experience,
and it's up to you to set the perfect
seduction scene. If your love is coming
over to your house for dinner, set the
mood with romantic music, scented
candles, and a delicious meal with plenty
of spicy aromas. Champagne and/or
wine can add to a seductive evening.
However, don't rely on alcohol or other
stimulants. It may make your mate feel
uncomfortable, and/or put doubt in their
mind about your true intentions. When
in doubt, focus on setting a comfortable
scene with romantic accents (flowers on
the dining room table = the perfect

Be Attentive
Part of the cerebral seduction experience
lies in showering your sweetie with
attention without being overbearing. A
few days before your date, send your
partner a friendly text message, letting
them know how much you're looking
forward to seeing them. Call to confirm
your plans the day before and be sure to
add that you're excited about spending
time with them. When you meet,
compliment your guy — on his hair,
outfit, the way they smell — whatever
stands out to you. Throughout your date,
ask inquisitive questions, listen intently,
share a few laughs, and give them your
full attention. By being in the moment
with your cutie (and having fun, too),
you let them know how much you enjoy
their company.

Be Original
In the art of seduction, there's a fine line
between being smarmy and predictable
(and ultimately turning your date off)
and achieving true seduction success (by
turning on your date's heart and mind).
The key to your success lies in taking
cues from what has worked for others,
and putting your own personal flair into
play. For example, romantic music,
candlelight, and flowers are predictable
seduction accoutrements. However,
when used appropriately and with
individualized attention, they can make
the object of your desire feel
appreciated, respected, and downright
So how do you achieve originality in your
seduction techniques? By paying
attention to what rocks your love's
world. If they're allergic to flowers, nix
the bouquet of roses and instead present
them with the dark chocolate they
confess to craving. Or, if they're a
cooking whiz, invite them to share
kitchen duties by cooking dinner
together. Or, if you planned an elaborate
romantic evening and then your date
shows up looking exhausted, switch
gears and opt for a relaxing evening on
the couch, complete with their fave
takeout food, followed by a foot massage.
By treating your mate like the individual
that they are, and showing that you've
paid attention to their likes and dislikes,
you'll score serious seduction bonus

Be Yourself
Ultimately, the key to a successful
seduction lies in being yourself. While
there are plenty of proven tips and
techniques for wining, dining, and
wooing someone, your efforts will fall
short if you're not being authentic. Your
best bet is to simply be the best version
of yourself possible, even if that means
being occasionally shy, clumsy, and/or
unprepared. In fact, your partner may
find you all the more attractive and
endearing for these authentic and
unplanned moments.
So there you have it — five surefire tips
for succeeding at seduction. When in
doubt, remember this — seducing
someone has little to do with scoring
physical contact and everything to do
with turning on your love's heart and
mind. If you succeed on a cerebral and
emotional level, everything else will
follow in time.


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