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Kevin Swanson, Gay Couples Should Be Told To Die On Their Wedding Day.

Pastor and right-wing radio host Kevin Swanson has some choice words surrounding the closing of an Oregon bakery that rejected a lesbian couple's
wedding cake job, and is offering advice for all Christians considering attending same-sex nuptials: hold up a sign informing the happy couple that they are an abomination and "should be put to death."
"This is what homosexuals do best," Swansom stated on his program. "They will engage in their Pink Mafia, their effort to control and shut down business
that do not cooperate with their agenda...I think you can attend a [gay] wedding if you hold up a sign that reads Leviticus 20:13 ... I guess it comes down
to if you bake a cake for a homosexual wedding you could put Leviticus 20:13 on the cake."
Swanson's comments stem from the closing of Sweet Cakes by Melissa after the owners received nationwide backlash
for refusing to bake wedding cake for a lesbian couple and coming under investigation for discrimination. The couple told the Christian Broadcasting
Network that lesbian, gay,bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights advocates used "militant, mafia-style tactics" to
shut down their bakery.
In the past, Swanson has been no stranger to making extreme homophobic and anti-gay claims. Following the repeal of the Boy Scouts' ban on gay youth members, the pastor stated that the move would lead to scouts receiving merit badges for cannibalism and sodomy. Earlier this year, as same-sex marriage gained more traction in political and
social life, Swanson claimed that the legalization of gay marriage would prompt gays to burn Christians at the stake.
And who can forget when the right-wing pundit insinuated that gay people caused
Hurricane Sandy, or claimed that 'Star Trek Into Darkness" promotes bestiality? Or, his reaction when Jim Henson nixed the "Muppets" deal with Chic-Fil-A: "Kermit is not that interested in Miss Piggy --maybe he's interested in another frog...I think Miss Piggy on a bun -- that's a better bet, the winner!"
We'll leave you with this clip of Swanson adamantly and passionately posing the question: "do we love drywall more than children?"


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