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Learn from Dolphin.

Traders encroach walkways, authorities demand bribes to provide a birth certificate, police force misuses its authority, politicians are steeped in deep corruption without bothering about the welfare of the people …..everywhere, the world is full of anti-social elements. When I think of them, my blood boils and my brain heats up like it is filled with hot acids. My limbs tremble and I get tense! Can no one reform them?
There are many who pour out their frustrations like this. They get angry and their blood pressure shoots up! There are others who get depressed and go into their shells.
Their frustration is legitimate.
'If I see anti-social elements, my anger shoots up and mind gets disturbed.' We have to pause and reflect for a moment as to how the increase in our blood pressure would help in reforming these anti-social elements.
A busy marketing Guru was waiting to board a flight.
There was an announcement on the closed-circuit TV – 'We are sorry to announce that the flight is delayed by about 2 hours' by a lady in her sweet voice.
Fantastic! Replied the marketing Guru
'What is so fantastic about it?' asked a co-passenger seated next to him.
'I see three reasons for the delay. Some technical snag in the plane; or something wrong with the pilot or the weather condition may be bad at the destination. I would not like to fly in any of these conditions,' was his reply.
After a few hours, there was another announcement of further delay by two hours.
To which the Marketing Guru again said, 'Fantastic!'
'Why do you say fantastic?' asked the co-passenger. 'More time to prepare for my next seminar,' said the Marketing guru.
The co-passengers, watching him, were confused. They asked him, 'Please tell us the truth. Are you not irritated by the delay?' he replied, 'I am saying fantastic….only to avoid getting irritated. What choice do I have? By saying fantastic, I am creating an energy field of what I want to feel.'
This is called transformation vocabulary. This type of vocabulary creates an empowering energy field.
How to face issues like corruption, bribery….that are intolerable?
To wish for a society free from corruption and bribery is ideal. It is perfect state of affairs. But what is the reality? Our society is steeped in corruption and bribery!
If we view from an ideal point of view, only frustration would result. When there is frustration, the result is tension. Blood pressure would rise. This is one approach commonly taken by many.
There is another approach. 'Ending corruption? Impossible! Such a thing can never happen…..So saying, accepting reality as it is!
Even if we want an ideal society, first we must understand and accept what is the reality, then work with full involvement and determination to create that ideal society – that is, a society without corruption!
Only such an approach would be of use to you as well to the society. We must believe in that form the core of our hearts.
Some people are annoyed not only by corruption, but also by silly mistakes committed at office, home ….Their blood pressure goes up nerves get frayed…If such an emotional outbursts happens, they lose control like Mike Tyson and bite the ear of the opponent.
The result would be like Mike Tyson being banned from the game and we would be branded forever in society.
'What kind of justice is this? It is alright if anti-social elements exist only among politicians or hooligans. It is accepted as a necessary evil. But all around us in offices, police stations, government establishments, in the neighbouring houses, why, at times within our own houses, persons involve in unfair practices! How can we handle them?' some may ask
The following example is closest in parallel.
In the ocean, there are mainly three categories of fishes….
The first, tiny fish—they are unable to thwart the urges of the predatory fishes. Eventually, they become food for the predatory fishes.
The second, the sharks; they survive by swallowing other fishes.
The third, the dolphins – though they swim in the same ocean as the sharks, they do not succumb like small fishes. They are helpful. They know how to swim with the sharks and still stay alive. Can we be like dolphins – enjoy, be good and keep a wise distance from the negative people and still stay alive?
Understand people's psychology and be like a dolphin.
Can we lead our lives like dolphins?


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