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If you change the world changes.

Have you heard those words before?

How is it possible?

Please ask the above question to whoever says those words you will be surprised at their answer.
When you change, the world changes,sounds whimsical, a nice thing to say in religious gatherings to look good and to talk the talk, nevertheless, in the understanding of those words lies the perception of a greater reality, greater understanding which if truly understood, could change our own life.

Would you like an explanation?
Here it goes. In a basic understanding of the law of karma, (action) we can understand that if you do something, there will be a repercussion which will be experienced by me. That is why in this basic understanding all we care about is about me.
If I do this, will I get any bad karma back? If I open karmic accounts now, would that be bad for me? Would I go to heaven if my actions are good?
The above only strengthens the personality of which is separated from everything else. No?

Do you ever feel alone?
Yes? Then, see that separation.
If we observe carefully (as explained in many writings before,) we are interdependent of one another.

How is that?
You exist because your parents existed. You exist because there is oxygen, water, sunshine, food, everything else which in our individualistic mind we see as separate. Even though there is a fact of interdependence, our consciousness only perceives separation.
That is why basic understanding of the law of karma only strengthens the i-ness and my-ness ideas. When that concept of separation is gone, there is oneness. Not the duality of you and me, but oneness in that interdependence. You exist because I exist.
Therefore, there is no other. What do, is done to myself.
If we take the reality of interdependence into the law of karma; what do is done to everything else, for am one with everything,as a fact, not as a nice phrase to repeat. am interdependent with everything else. We are oneness.
That is how the world changes when change,for is truly the world. As a matter of fact, once that is over, then there is only the world, without further labelling to separate things.
Let us say that Odun throws garbage in the river. Odun forgot to dispose of the garbage and she thought that by not getting rid of it, now, her house will smell alright and she could not be alright as well. Odun didn't want to bother his neighbour by dumping his trash into their waste basket. Odun was afraid of being caught or to ask but the river was nearby. Odun planned to dump his garbage when there was no one around. The river cannot hit back nor lawsuit her for dumping trash. Nothing to fear, Odun thought.
That river was a source of sustenance for many species. Fish, plants, even people who used that river in different ways.
That garbage became food for many species in a very unnatural way, bringing disease to some of them which in turn where nourishment for bigger fish. A fisherman caught several fish to be sold in the nearby market. Odun bought a couple of those fish.
Odun eat her own garbage but at the same time, others did. Other species where influenced by Odun's actions and there were consequences which Odun was completely unaware of.
If Odun changes his consciousness, that change will have some effect in Odun's environment and closer individuals around him. Odun is not changing others but Odun is merely changing her own self-extension, that is, those who are part of his life.
That is how we can see that a truly spiritual individual cannot live in isolation. Whatever he does, he says, he thinks all of that affects everything else, which will be experienced by everyone else in the world.
Then, we can see that any religious separation or any sort of man made boundaries such as casts, ethnic origin, gender, language, creed, beliefs, traditions, all of that only strengthen the sense of belonging to a group which is only a part of the whole thing.
A sinner exists because a saint exist. the one who labels, the ones who judges, the one who separates. If wasn't there; then a sinner wouldn't exist.
We could put this in another way: A saint exists only because a sinner exists.
The world exists only because you exist.
What the world does is because you do.


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