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Door Closing- by Napoleon Hill.

Consider the rather serious problems which arise in one's mind in connection with disappointments and failures of the past, and the broken hearts that occur as a result of the loss of the material things or the loss of friends or loved ones.
Self-discipline is the only real solution for such problems. It begins with the recognition of the fact that there are only two kinds of problems: those you can solve and those you can't solve.
The problems which can be solved should immediately cleared by most practical means available, and those which have no solution should be put out of your mind and forgotten.
Let us think, for a minute, about this process of forgetting. Refer it as closing the door on some unpleasantness which is disturbing your equilibrium. Self-discipline, which means mastery over all emotions, can enable you to close the door between yourself and the unpleasant experience of the past. You must close the door tightly and lock it securely, so that there is no possibility of its being opened again. This is the way to treat unsolvable problems, too. Those who lack self-discipline often stand in the doorway and look wistfully backward into the past, instead of closing the door and looking forward into the future.
The door closing is a valuable technique. It requires the support of a good, strong will, and you have a strong will if you have the departments of your mind organised and under the control of your ego, as they should be.
Door closing does not make you hard, cold or unemotional, but does require firmness. Self-discipline cannot permit lurking memories of sad experiences, and it wastes no time worrying over problems which have no solution. You cannot yield to the temptation to relive your unhappy memories, for they destroy your creative force, undermine your initiative, weaken your imagination, disturb your faculty of reason, and generally confuse the departments of your mind.
You must place the power of your will against the door that shuts out that which you wish to forget, or you do not acquire self-discipline. This is one of the major services self-discipline can perform for you. It closes the door tightly against all manner of fears, and opens wide the doors of hope and faith!
Self-discipline closes the door against jealousy, hatred, revenge, greed, anger and superstition, and opens the door to friendship, goodwill, confidence and love.
Self-discipline looks forward, not backward. It roots out discouragement and worry and other negative emotions. And it not only encourages positive emotions, but it forces them to come before the faculty of reason every time they express themselves so that they too, may be kept under control.
Self-discipline makes your mind strong. It enables you to take possession of your mind and exercise your god-given right to control your mental attitude. You do not have real self-discipline until you organise your mind and keep it clear of all disturbing influences. Every principle of this philosophy must function through your mind, and self-discipline, which keeps your mind orderly, is the controlling factor in this process of becoming successful.


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