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Safe And Natural Alternatives To Synthetic Smart Drugs

Smart drugs and nootropics: what’s the difference?

Smart drugs, also known as nootropics, are substances that improve cognitive function like memory, creativity, focus, and motivation. Included in this broad definition are natural nutrients like creatine, as well as omega-3 fatty acids and synthetic compounds like modafinil and adderall.

According to, “Typically, nootropics are broken down into the following seven categories of compounds: Natural Nootropics, Racetams, Choline, Ampakines, Vitamin B Derivatives, Peptides and so-called “Smart Drugs.”

Many nootropics are stimulants (caffeine, for example) and some are prescription drugs. They’re not always pharmaceuticals, though that doesn’t preclude people from becoming addicted.

If you’re looking for a natural way to get clear, elevate your mood, and enhance productivity, here are 4 alternatives to synthetic smart drugs that are worth trying out:

1.First, establish a proper diet

Taking any kind of supplement isn’t a substitute for a poor diet. Before trying any of the suggestions below, and definitely before using any smart drugs, it’s important to establish a proper diet. Enhancing your brain works best when your brain is already functioning optimally.

Meeting your basic nutritional needs doesn’t mean swallowing a fistful of vitamins every morning. Your best source of vitamins will always be your food. Eat seasonal foods rich in vitamins A, K, and C like leafy greens. Fill your plate with colorful vegetables at every meal. There’s a reason nutritionists suggest eating a rainbow of vegetables!

Don’t believe the myths

You may have heard that vegetables grown in today’s soil are depleted of nutrients, and that’s why it’s important to take so many vitamins. This is simply not true. This myth was created by corporations to sell more vitamins.

The truth is, vegetables require certain nutrients to grow. If the nutrients aren’t present in the soil, the vegetable won’t grow. Additionally, plants don’t derive their nutrients from the soil. A plant’s nutrients are synthesized within the plant itself as it grows. The amount of nutrients found in plants is determined by the plant’s genes, not what nutrients are in the soil.

If you have access to healthy, fresh vegetables, you can be sure they’re not depleted of their nutrients.

Vitamins aren’t useless, however. If you don’t have access to certain fresh vegetables, taking a non-synthetic, high-quality, whole food vitamin can help supplement what you lack.

2.Try intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is simple. You can eat within an eight-hour window, and the remaining 16 hours you fast. Although some recommend eating your entire daily intake during those eight hours, there’s nothing wrong with eating light.

Fasting causes the immune system to regenerate and has other profound effects on health such as fat loss, increased energy, reduced stress, and even reversal of diabetes.


Kratom is perhaps the ultimate supplement. It’s a natural herb that increases clarity, focus, and meditation; reduces stress and anxiety; improves sleep; and relieves pain better than prescription drugs like morphine.

Kratom is derived from crushed leaves belonging to a tree from the coffee family. Kratom comes in a variety of strains, and each strain produces a distinct effect. Some strains will be soothing and relaxing, while others will be stimulating and energizing.

Taking Kratom is a safe, efficient way to boost your energy levels and achieve your goals with a clear and focused mind.

When first using Kratom, be sure to start slowly to find out what dose is right for you. Make sure you purchase only high-quality Kratom from a reliable, reputable source. You can buy and learn more about Kratom here.


Named after the Vedic God of creation, Brahmi is a ground-covering, crawling plant with green leaves and tiny white flowers. Used to enhance brain function, this ancient Ayurvedic herb is packed with antioxidants and several compounds that increase neurotransmitter activity in the brain.

Brahmi is a time-tested, scientifically proven way to maintain mental agility and remove toxins from the blood. It also has bronchiodialating and anti-inflammatory properties.

Brahmi comes as a pill, capsule, or is traditionally dissolved in ghee. When taken daily, effects are noticeable within a couple of weeks.


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