Being 'his girl' his easy, but being the one forever requires you to put in a little extra efforts. It is not your face or your booty that is going to do the charm, rather the unique attributes of you and an established emotional connection that would make him stay with you no matter what.
Let us accept that physical beauty dies down after a point of time but a relationship is much more than a face, isn't it?
In fact the beauty in love is the ability to see beyond.
1. Chill the heck out!
We get it, that you love him so much but he likes spending time with his guy friends too. Hence, give him space. trust us, he would want to let you go.
2. Enjoy yourself first!
He is busy with his job; stop cribbing about the fact that he isn't taking you out on lunch. Stop leaning on him all the time because honey, you got to learn how to be on your own.
3. *Shhhhush!* LISTEN.
Especially when you too argue try to listen first before speaking and assuming what he wants to say. Make him believe that even though you don't agree to him but you make it a point to LISTEN.
4. Become his best buddy.
Okay you are his girlfriend. Agreed. But, every once in a while try switching your all-time-serious-girlfriend role to his buddy forever. Men long for a best friend more than anything else.
5. Don't hold back things.
Don't wait for the right moment to remind him about the mistake he did three days back, that mind game is EVIL! If something is bothering you be vocal about it.
Communication is the key to a happy relationship.
6. Sometimes, do what he likes too!
You shouldn't be the only person who is being pampered all the time in your relationship. Give him choices too. Every once in a while doing what he likes wouldn't do any harm to you. In fact it shall strengthen your bond.
7. Initiate the intimacy.
More often than not men initiate the physical intimacy but doing it every once in a while on your own make them feel that they are wanted by you.
8. Self Indulgence.
Even though you love him tons, keeping yourself before him is not mean. Make sure that you are focusing on self indulgence. There is no bigger turn on for a man than a woman who doesn't 'need' a man but 'wants' him instead.