Flowers can be used as an essential ingredient in a recipe, seasoning for a dish, or simply as a garnish. The thought of eating flowers seems a little strange at first, but you get used to it. Here's a list of some flowers that you may know, but never thought you could eat.
1. Roses
The king of flowers has a special place in traditional Indian and Chinese medicines. Roses contain phenolics, which are believed to have anti-inflammatory properties. A rich source of vitamins, they help reduce the risk of heart diseases, cancer and diabetes. Looks like they’re the king of healing too!
2. Hibiscus
Often used as a salad garnish, hibiscus or shoe flowers are also used to brew tea. Known to contain anthocyanins and antioxidants, they lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
3. Marigolds
Popularly known as genda phool in India, marigolds are used by the Chinese to make tea. The flower is also used topically to heal wounds. It is loaded with the pigment lutein, which is known as the eye vitamin because it helps keep eye diseases at bay.
4. Mint flowers
Mint flowers taste, well – minty! The intensity of the flavour depends on the plant species. Mint is commonly used to improve digestion, fight nausea and headaches and enable weight loss.
5. Banana blossoms
Also known as banana hearts, these purplish-maroon flowers can be eaten raw or cooked. They are rich in fibre, protein and minerals like potassium, calcium, phosphorous, iron, copper and magnesium.
6. Cilantro flowers
Cilantro (kotmir) flowers have the same grassy taste as the leaves. They should be used immediately or their flavour fades.
7. Ginger flowers
These white blossoms have a strong gingery flavour and aroma. They are used in aromatherapy oils and can be eaten raw or cooked.
8. Fennel flowers
Fennel (saunf) flowers have the same subtly spicy flavour as the seeds. High in plant compounds and antioxidants, they are commonly used in herbal remedies.
9. Radish flowers
Radish flowers come in pink, white or yellow varieties and are spicy, just like the root. They can help prevent cancer and treat problems like jaundice, piles and urinary problems.
10. Squash/pumpkin blossoms
Known as kadu in Hindi, these flowers have a very mild flavour and can be stuffed with herbs and spices. Low in calories, they are high in calcium, iron and Vitamins A and C.
11. Apple blossoms
Apple blossoms are the most popular among edible flowers, even though the benefits are unknown. They should only be consumed in small quantities; eating too many could be poisonous.
12. Oregano flowers
These pretty flowers have a more subtle flavour than the leaves. A medicinal plant, oregano has nutritious, antioxidant and disease preventing properties.
13. Sunflowers
These striking flowers have a bittersweet taste and are rich in Vitamin E. The entire flower can be steamed and eaten as is.
14. Basil flowers
Basil flowers come in a variety of colours, from white and pink to purple. They have a milder flavour than the leaves and are loaded with antioxidants and flavanoids.
15. Lavender flowers
This fragrant flower is used to flavour ice-creams and yogurts. However, it also acts as an antiseptic and can be used to get rid of dandruff.
16. Citrus blossoms
Citrus blossoms like orange, lemon, lime and grapefruit flowers are sweet and exceptionally fragrant.
17. Chamomile flowers
Known for its calming effects, chamomile is commonly added to tea. It is believed to have anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic and wound healing properties.
18. Jasmine flowers
A fragrant flower, it is usually blended with green tea or added to rice dishes and salads. It is said to have anti-carcinogenic and antiviral properties.
19. Violets
These pretty flowers have a sweet flavour and heavenly aroma. They can be added to salads and have been used traditionally to cure colds, coughs and sore throats.
20. Dandelions
Young dandelion flowers have a honey-like flavour and can be eaten raw or added to rice. They are loaded with vitamins and minerals that are believed to cure everything from acne, gall stones and liver problems to herpes, constipation and alcoholism.
21. Lilacs
These flowers have a citrusy floral scent and a slightly pungent flavour. They are used topically to heal cuts, wounds and rashes.
22. Carnations
These sweet and fragrant flowers have been used in several herbal remedies to lower stress and inflammation and cure gas and nausea. Eat only the petals and not the base.
23. Peonies
The lovely peony does not just decorate wedding corsages, but can also alleviate depression when eaten.
24. Pansies
These big, bright coloured flowers not only make a pretty picture, but are beneficial for your heart, kidneys and blood pressure as they’re rich in potassium and other minerals.
25. Chrysanthemums
Like chamomile, chrysanthemums are often added to tea, in China especially. These flowers are high in antioxidants and minerals and have anti-carcinogenic and anti-inflammatory properties.
What you need to remember:
• Eat only flowers that are known to be edible and have been grown without pesticides.
• Eat only the petals, not the stamens or filaments.
• If you are prone to allergies, then eat a little at first and watch out for any irritation.