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Showing posts from April, 2017

Reasons Why You Feel Empty Inside At Times!

It’s a common thing for someone to feel empty inside and there’s not just one or two but many reasons for you to feel that way.   Sometimes, you have everything that you need in this world but you are not happy. You feel like there’s still something missing and you feel empty and it’s because you have lost appreciation in life.   To be precise, it happens when your wishes increase and everything that you have, seems inadequate until you lose them.   You feel your friends aren’t enough, until they walk away from you and you feel like your parents aren’t good, until they die in front of you. This and many other things seem inadequate to you because you have started wishing for more and appreciate less. Some of us start to feel empty because we have started valuing external beauty more than the internal awesomeness.   We make sure we are looking good from head to toe, but forget that we have to stay happy inside to look pretty outside. The same way, we feel emp...

Your Ultimate Guide to Starting a Running Routine!

Want to live a long life? According to a new study, runners tend to live about three years longer, even if they smoke, drink and are overweight. The results found that five minutes of running every day could extend their life span. The estimation that running adds more time to people's lives than it takes up was perhaps the most interesting result of the study, which discovered that an hour of running equates to seven hours added on to your life. Nevertheless, these additions "are not infinite", according to the study co-author, Dr Duck-chul Lee. "The added years to longevity are capped at around three extra years," he said. Other kinds of exercise also help with lengthening life spans, but not to the same degree as running. According to Dr Duck-chul Lee, walking and cycling typically lessen the risk of premature death by 12 percent. According to Dr Lee, 'it's unfounded why running has such a substantial relationship to lifespan." Adding that, one ...

7 Things You Will Only Understand If Sarcasm Is Your Forte!

Whoever it was, who said “sarcasm is the lowest form of wit” must have been insane (sorry Oscar Wilde) because every sarcastic person that I have ever come across in my life, has been the personification of being witty and intelligent.   I mean come on, it requires a lot of wit to be able to come up with hilarious yet deadpan replies that not everyone can get. And since making those people who didn’t capture the sarcasm understand what they said requires lots of patience, sarcastic people are also patient AF.   To be honest, someone who speaks the language of sarcasm perfectly understands what it feels like to be unique.   And so, if you’re fortunate enough to be one of those, then here are seven things you will TOTALLY understand if sarcasm is your forte.   1. You hate it when people take your sarcasm literally. When you pass a sarcastic comment at someone, you expect them to understand it. But most of the time, they just don’...

7 Ways In Which You Hurt The Person You Love The Most!

Sometimes, you become so comfortable in the company of your loved ones that you start saying and doing things without even realizing that you are actually hurting them.   Even if it's your mother, father or a friend, you have gotten so used to these little habits of yours that now you don't see the difference. Therefore, you eventually end up being a mean or heartless person for them. But my friend, don't forget one thing that these resentments might be the reason that the most dearly people of your life are drifting away.   In order to avoid that, here are 7 things you can check if you are unaware of hurting the people you love the most.   1. You are always trying to put them down. If you are someone who talk to people in a manner to put them down, it only shows how unhappy and unfriendly you are. Not only that, it also gradually infuses hard feelings in their heart. After all, nobody likes to feel humiliated. 2. You were not there when they needed you the most...

25 Edible Flowers That Will Add Colour,  Flavour And Nutrition To Your Food!

Flowers can be used as an essential ingredient in a recipe, seasoning for a dish, or simply as a garnish. The thought of eating flowers seems a little strange at first, but you get used to it. Here's a list of some flowers that you may know, but never thought you could eat.   1. Roses The king of flowers has a special place in traditional Indian and Chinese medicines. Roses contain phenolics, which are believed to have anti-inflammatory properties. A rich source of vitamins, they help reduce the risk of heart diseases, cancer and diabetes. Looks like they’re the king of healing too!   2. Hibiscus Often used as a salad garnish, hibiscus or shoe flowers are also used to brew tea. Known to contain anthocyanins and antioxidants, they lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.   3. Marigolds Popularly known as genda phool in India, marigolds are used by the Chinese to make tea. The flower is also used topically to heal wounds. It is loaded with the pigment lut...

8 Traits That Will Make Your Guy Want You Forever!

Being 'his girl' his easy, but being the one forever requires you to put in a little extra efforts. It is not your face or your booty that is going to do the charm, rather the unique attributes of you and an established emotional connection that would make him stay with you no matter what. Let us accept that physical beauty dies down after a point of time but a relationship is much more than a face, isn't it? In fact the beauty in love is the ability to see beyond.   1. Chill the heck out! We get it, that you love him so much but he likes spending time with his guy friends too. Hence, give him space. trust us, he would want to let you go.   2. Enjoy yourself first! He is busy with his job; stop cribbing about the fact that he isn't taking you out on lunch. Stop leaning on him all the time because honey, you got to learn how to be on your own.   3. *Shhhhush!* LISTEN. Especially when you too argue try to listen first before speaking and assuming what he wants ...

7 Things You Will Understand If Your Best Friend Is Getting Married!

When your best friend is getting married, it is not just the most special day of their life, but yours too.   You’ve done everything together for years till now and now they are on their way to start a new life.   As happy as you feel for them, you also feel like you are standing on the verge of an era ending. I know it’s sad, right? That sad feeling isn’t the only thing you experience when your best friend is getting married, there are a many other things too.   While the list of things you go through when your best friend gets married is long, we have figured out the 8 most popular ones of them.   We bet if your best friend is about to marry too, you will understand these things for sure.   1. The impromptu plans reduce. Just a few days before she got engaged, you felt like going out with your best friend is just one call away. But now, they are so busy doing various stuffs like trousseau, flower arrangements (seriously???) which you don’t even unde...

How a Password Changed my Life...

A true story from the Reader’s Digest... I was having an average morning until I sat down in front of my office computer. "your password has expired”, a server message flashed on my screen, with instructions for changing it... In my company we have to change passwords monthly... I was deeply depressed after my recent divorce. Disbelief over what she had done to me was what I thought all day long... Lot of hatred and dissatisfaction. I remembered a tip I’d heard from my former boss. He’d said, “I’m going to use a password that is going to change my life”. I couldn’t focus on getting things done in my current mood.. My password reminded me that I shouldn’t let myself be a victim of my recent breakup and that I was strong enough to do something about it. I made my password – Forgive@her. I had to type this password several times every day, each time my computer would lock. Each time I came back from lunch I wrote forgive he...

Guy like girls

They will always smell good even if its just shampoo 2. The way their heads always find the right spot on our shoulder 3. How cute they look when they sleep 4. The ease ! ! in which they fit into our arms 5. The way they kiss you and all of a sudden everything is right in the world 6. How cute they are when they eat 7 . The way they take hours to get dressed but in the end it makes it all worth while. 8. Because they are always warm ! ! even when its minus 30 outside. 9. The way they look good no matter what they wear 10. The way they fish for compliments even though you both know that you think she's the most beautiful thing on this earth 11. How cute they are when they argue 12. The way her hand always finds yours 13. The way they smile 14. The way you feel when you see their name on the call ID after you just had a big fight 15. The way she says "lets not fight anymore" even though you know that an hour later.... 16. The way they kiss when you do someth...

What is Cloud Hosting?

Over the past few years, web server technology – much like everything else related to computers – has made incredible strides. Hosting companies have used all of these advances to create a new type of web server platform, typically called  cloud hosting . “That’s great,” you bemusedly say, “but  what is cloud hosting ?” A succinct explanation is that there are not just set of scalable virtualization technology. To help you unpack what  that  means, we’re going to focus on two of the terms in that definition:  virtualized servers  and  scalability . The Benefits of Virtualized Servers Cloud hosting uses the concept of a “virtualized server .” This essentially means that you have space on a host server shared with other users, but it’s virtualization means that it runs autonomously from the other accounts on it. The largest benefit of virtualization is that it’s flexible. U...

The next big thing in tech: The desktop computer

You will see plenty of smartphones in the developing world and you'll see plenty of TVs; but you're unlikely to see desktop computers in remote areas. Poor internet connectivity, uncertain power supply and a simple lack of money have meant that billions have been locked out of the knowledge economy. Matt Dalio, CEO of Endless Computers, wants to change all of that with the first simplified, robust and affordable desktop aimed at emerging market consumers. Dalio told CNN he got the idea to create a $169 computer while he was traveling and noticed that, while most homes did not have a desktop computer, they often had an HD screen. "It was one of those micro-epiphanies," he said. "I was in India and I looked over at a television and then I looked at my hand and there was a phone in it and I thought why not connect the two? "While smartphones may be sweeping through emerging markets, a computer is still the thing that you an...

Common Mistakes That We All Are Making In A Relationship!

We all want a perfect relationship, just like the ones we see in all those candyfloss movies. But in reality, those type of relationships usually just don’t exist, and instead, we all have our shares of ups and downs vis-à-vis our boyfriends or our girlfriends. While all of us want to be with someone special who’ll perfectly fit into our lives like a missing puzzle piece, how many of us are actually able to maintain our relationship once we get that special someone? Knowingly or unknowingly, many of us are making some common mistakes in our relationships that, if left unchecked, can severely harm our relationships. So on that note, here are seven common relationship mistakes that we all ought to avoid making: 1. Not giving your partner any space. We need to understand that, just like us, our partners are also individuals who have their own mood swings, choices and preferences. Forcing them into things they don’t want to do or stopping them from doing what they wis...

How to Increase to positive Energy in our House!

Very simple and down to earth tips are given to get Positive Energy and to remove Negative Energy at our houses. Please follow as much as you can implement and stay blessed. 1) Open all windows in the house and allow fresh air and sunshine to enter the house. Free flowing air and sun are excellent negativity removers. Keeping the windows closed prevents positive energy from coming inside your house and negative energy from going out. 2) Throw out all the clutter out of the house. Clean your house. Dispose of all the old unwanted things lying in the house. Clutter is a negativity magnet. It attracts and accumulates negative energy in the house. 3). Walking barefoot in the house helps all your negative energy to be absorbed by the earth. Grounding is important to keep the energy balance in our body. Walking barefoot on grass is also an excellent way to ground yourself. 4) Always leave your footwear at the entrance of the house. Our footwear collects negative energy. Hence in the ...

Happy - A state of Mind!

I'll be happy if ___', or 'I'll be happy when ___'. Will you be totally satisfied after your condition is fulfilled. Are you happy? If not, what is it that you feel you need to be happy? happiness is a state. And, have the ability to access that state at any time we choose. If you could access happiness anytime you wanted, then you would be doing it.' you will learn could change your life dramatically for the good and forever. Your mind processes information and thinking patterns develop and become semi-permanent. Most people will think long and hard about changing from their normal behavior. The 'conscious' mind accomplishes its goal of keeping everything the same. By doing so, it supports a continuation of your current beliefs and everything stays the same. How does this now fit into you being happy? If you believe that you need to have something, do something, or be something to be happy, you'll be right. No matter what happens around you, you...

Think and Answer

1. A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms. The first is full of raging fires, the second is full of assassins with loaded guns, and the third is full of lions that haven't eaten in 3 years. Which room is safest for him? 2. A woman shoots her husband. Then she holds him under water for over 5 minutes. Finally, she hangs him. But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together. How can this be? 3. A magician was boasting one day at how long he could hold his breath under water. His record was 6 minutes. A kid that was listening said, "that's nothing, I can stay under water for 10 minutes using no types of equipment or air pockets!" The magician told the kid if he could do that, he'd give him $10,000. The kid did it and won the money. Can you figure out how? 4. There are two plastic jugs filled with water. How could you put all of this water into a barrel, without using the jugs or any dividers, and...

101 ways to make you smile

01. Call an old friend, just to say hi. 02. Hold a door open for a stranger. 03. Invite someone to lunch. 04. Compliment someone on his or her appearance. 05. Ask a coworker for their opinion on a project. 06. Bring cookies to work. 07. Let someone cut in during rush hour traffic. 08. Leave a waitress or waiter a big tip. 09. Tell a cashier to have a nice day. 10. Call your parents. 11. Let someone know you miss them. 12. Treat someone to a movie. 13. Let a person know you really appreciate them. 14. Visit a retirement center. 15. Take a child to the zoo. 16. Fill up your spouse's car with gas. 17. Surprise someone with a small gift. 18. Leave a thank-you note for the cleaning staff at work. 19. Write a letter to a distant relative. 20. Tell someone you thought about them the other day. 21. Put a dime in a stranger's parking meter before the time expires. 22. Bake a cake for a neighbor. 23. Send someone flowers to where they work. 24. Invite a friend to...

When Insult Had Class.

"He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire." -- Winston Churchill "A modest little person, with much to be modest about." -- Winston Churchill "I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure." -- Clarence Darrow "He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to the dictionary." -- William Faulkner (about Ernest Hemingway) "Poor Faulkner. Does he really think big emotions come from big words?" -- Ernest Hemingway (about William Faulkner) "Thank you for sending me a copy of your book; I'll waste no time reading it." -- Moses Hadas "He can compress the most words into the smallest idea of any man I know." -- Abraham Lincoln "I've had a perfectly wonderful evening. But this wasn't it." -- Groucho Marx "I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it." -- Mark Twain ...

Ranking Of The World’s Most Educated Countries!

The World Economic Forum created the index using different measurements to rank the most educated countries in the world with the highest score being seven. The factors the score is based on include the rate at which people studied at a university or an equivalent as well as on five questions given by business leaders from each country like "In your country, how well does the education system meet the needs of a competitive economy?" and "In your country, to what extent do companies invest in training and employee development?"   11. Iceland Score: 5.9 (1 is the lowest educational standard; 7 is the highest)    The tiny Nordic country of Iceland has a population of 330,000. Though it ranks highly in the global index, it spends the least of the Nordic countries on educational spending.   10. New Zealand   Score: 5.9   New Zealand constantly ranks among the top education systems in the world. The country's education d...

8 Signs Your Partner Has Complete Control Over Your Relationship!

Balancing things perfectly between the two is the most essential part of a relationship and the moment things start going off balance, the foundation starts shattering. When it comes to having control over the relationship, you must share an equal amount of control to keep things flowing normally. When the control factor increases towards one side, the other one becomes powerless and starts feeling worthless in the relationship. Here are some signs that you significant other has complete control over the relationship. You give in to them. You are the one who compromises in the relationship. You are the one who ‘adjusts’ in the relationship and they hardly return the favour. They threaten to dump you. Whenever there is an argument, they threaten you and remind you that there are other people interested in them. You happen to do nothing about it because you are scared of losing them. You wear what they like. You dress to please them, even if it means you do...

Receiver or Giver!

Once while i used to be a teenager, my father and that i were standing in line to shop for tickets for the circus. I n the end, there was best another family among us and the ticket counter. This own family made a huge impact on me. There had been 8 youngsters, all probably beneath the age of 12. The way they had been dressed, you could tell they didn't have a lot of cash, however their clothes were neat and clean. The children were nicely-behaved, all of them standing in line, -by way of- behind their parents, retaining palms. They have been excitedly jabbering about the clowns, animals, and all the acts they could be considering night. with the aid of their excitment, you can experience that they had by no means been to the circus before. it would be a spotlight in their lives. The father and mother have been at the pinnacle of the percent status proud as can be. The mother changed into keeping her husband's hand, searching up at him as though to mention, "you are my...

Becoming rich is easy!

Change your previous beliefs about money and install these new RICH MINDSET 1. Money is not a material. Money is an Energy. 2. Money is the root of all Evil - THIS IS WRONG. Money is the root of all solutions - So, I want more of it -THIS IS RIGHT MINDSET 3. Money DOES NOT MAKE you Happy. THIS IS WRONG. Nothing can make you happy. Only you are responsible for your happiness. If you want to be happy then you can be happy right now. It is like a Switch. You can turn it ON anytime. So If you have money, you can solve problems for others and that can further add value and happiness to your life. So of course money can BUY HAPPINESS 4. I HAVE SEEN RICH PEOPLE NOT HAVE LOVE in their life. That’s wrong again. You have witnessed people with lots of money. You have not seen RICH PEOPLE. There is a difference between RICH PEOPLE AND PEOPLE with lots of money. RICH PEOPLE ARE abundant in love, money, time, care, service, fun, meaning, spirituality and even Health. PEOPLE WITH LOT...

The Six maximum crucial Minerals and vitamins!

W hen we weight-reduction plan and reduce down our calories, we generally restriction the consumption of certain meals, because of this we might not get all the nutrients and minerals that are important to our fitness. even as keeping our weight down is important, we should be cautious no longer to harm our health in the technique, and to accomplish that, ensure your consumption always includes the subsequent important substances: Magnesium - minimum daily endorsed quantity: men girls: 320 mg. - Why we need it: Magnesium is critical for muscle overall performance and the operation of our worried gadget. It continues the coronary heart healthful, regulates the ranges of sugar inside the blood, helps the immune machine and continues our bones strong. - symptoms of scarcity: lack of urge for food, nausea, headaches, forgetfulness, aching or twitching muscle tissues, tension and continual fatigue. - resources: Almonds, leafy vegetables consisting of basil, Parsley and Spinach. Salmon...

Liquid Of lifestyles - The advantages Of Black Tea!

W hat is black tea? Black tea is made from the plant Camellia Sinensis in which inexperienced tea additionally originates. Black tea goes through a very one of a kind fermenting method than inexperienced tea called oxidation; the leaves are left to breathe in wet oxygen. The tea is then rolled and heated and dried out and whilst the system is completed it's miles black in coloration. The cease result is a effective caffeine drink that has all styles of fitness benefits and lots of drink it as an opportunity medicine. Black tea is turning into increasingly more famous as it has several additives that could advantage general properly-being in addition to aid with a few not unusual scientific proceedings. Many supermarket brands like Earl grey or Darjeeling are made from black tea and they have a totally effective and stinky taste. Tea consuming is an historical art in a few countries and its part and parcel of a healthful every day existence. searching after your enamel A study c...

Understanding Headaches

Specialists list different types of headaches, and tell you what you can do to keep these from recurring and taking over your life Headaches can be crippling, and when they persist for a long period of time, they can take all the joy out of your life. They could be brought on by stress, by a sinus condition, or even by changes in your vision -whatever the underlying cause may be, figuring out what type of headache you suffer from can help you treat it correctly, and prevent a relapse.   Experts list different types of headaches, and share their causes, and how they can be treated: Medicine-induced headaches “All acute pain-relief medicines have the potential of causing medicine induced headaches,“ says ENT and head-neck surgeon, Amrita Base Mishra. “If your medicines contain codeine and opioids then they can cause a headache. Though, research has shown that only the people who have a headache disorder seem to develop a medically induced headache.“ ...