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10 Things Guys Think You Lie About on Your Dating Profile

Be real or the relationship is doomed.

Our guy expert, Lodro Rinzler,
reached out to men across the
country to ask what they were
worried about when looking at your
online dating profile. Here's what
guys think women might lie about

Your Looks
The number one thing the guys
polled think a woman might lie
about on her online dating profile is
her looks. I am using "looks" as an
umbrella term here that covers
everything from your height to your
weight to your body type to you
using a photo of yourself from five
years ago. Also, please note that a
picture of just your face tells us that
you either don't have a nice body or
you don't like the body you have. Be
confident enough to show your full
Your Age
"I've definitely gone out with
women who say they're 25 but are
actually 29," said Eddie. Sometimes
a woman may change her age to
initially attract a man, but it's such a
silly lie to chose; was Eddie's date
going to pretend to be four years
younger for the rest of their
relationship? Since so many men
have had this experience, don't be
surprised if a guys casually glances
at your drivers license when the
bouncer asks for it at the door.
That You LOVE to Travel
Many women will put that they
"LOVE to travel" even if they
haven't gone on any real trips or
vacations in three years. I don't
recommend saying this on your
profile because a) everyone says it
so you don't stand out from the
crowd at all and b) even if you do
love to travel, if you haven't lately it
might get real awkward real quick
when he starts grilling you about all
your recent vacations.
The Amount of Time You Spend at
the Gym
One of the gentlemen I reached out
to, Dave, told me, "I think women
will exaggerate the amount or
frequency of exercise they do." A
woman may want to show off how
important it is to her that she takes
good care of her body, but if you list
that you go to the gym every single
day a guy may think you're
That Impressive Book/TV Show/
Movie You Mentioned
One person I reached out to, Sam,
said, "I think women will leave off
interests that might be considered
too girly or immature—any kind of
guilty pleasure TV show or
magazine, etc. and try to list more
intellectual things like books
they've read, even if said book was
required in high school ten years
ago." If you love Portrait of an
Artist as a Young Man, put it on the
profile, but don't be surprised if
your date expects you to actually
remember it in detail.
Your Level of Independence
Lots of pictures with you and the
girls is nice, but when a woman
keeps posting about being fiercely
independent and not at all clingy on
her dating profile a fella might raise
an eyebrow and grow suspicious. It's
a bit like saying "don't think of a
pink elephant." Why bring it up if
you don't want a guy's mind to go
straight there?
How Easy Going You Are
Similarly, when a woman says how
she is a laid back, easy going, go-
with-the-flow sort of person a man
may begin to question if, in reality,
she is actually very sensitive/easy to
trigger. Best to leave those qualities
out of your profile and show, don't
Your Interest in Sports
If a woman says how much she loves
a sport, a man might be suspicious
about whether she is just trying to
appeal to how much he loves that
sport. If a woman says she loves a
specific team or calls out a
particular player as her favorite, he
tends to be less skeptical.
How Successful You Are
"I think some women want to
project high aspirations even if they
aren't successful right now," said
Eric. Men are guilty of many of
these ten things too, but perhaps I'd
say men more often inflate their job
title or position. We may be
suspicious of how successful you say
you are because we lied on our own
profile about this one!
What You're Looking for
If you say you're looking for
something casual a guy may not
take that at face value. Many of us
(us being all genders) have had that
casual hook-up buddy that after a
few months all of a sudden wanted
more. Sometimes you may think
you want one thing (to be casual)
and end up wanting something else
(a real relationship). There's
nothing wrong with that, unless
you're purposefully trying to trick
someone. If a guy has had that
experience, he's likely to be wary of
you stating that you just want to be
At the end of the day, both genders
tend to stretch the truth on the
items above, but they also tend to
be part of the most generic profiles.
If you want to stand out from the
rest, talk about the things you love
to do now, like eat brunch or binge-
watch Netflix, so you'll attract
someone you're compatible with.



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