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The New Government Regulation that Can Destroy Your Health.

Thanks to a new law, you're being forced
to use one of the most dangerous toxins on the planet. Here's how to protect yourself now…
before things get worse.


by Dr. Nan Kathryn Fuchs

You may not realize it, but there's a hidden danger in your home that could be stealing your energy and making you feel tired all the time.

In fact, this hidden danger may also be the culprit behind your memory problems, aching joints, poor sleep, heartburn, constipation, low libido, and more. And if that's not bad enough, this hidden danger could even kill you.

What is this hidden danger? It's not carbon monoxide or mold. It's not a gun in an unlocked cabinet. (Although it might as well be.) It's something you have no choice but to have in your home. That's because the U.S. Government has now banned other, safer alternatives, so you're now forced to use it.

The danger I'm talking about is mercury.

Remember those old-fashioned mercury thermometers we all used to have in our medicine cabinets? Many of us got rid of them years ago when we found out a broken thermometer was dangerous.

Well, guess what? Inside your home you likely have the equivalent of at least a half-dozen or more items of those mercury glass thermometers —and they're just waiting to crack or break!

Where is this hidden mercury danger? It's in

The new energy efficient light bulbs
you're now required to use.

The light bulbs in your home have been or are about to be replaced by one of the new "energy efficient" bulbs. That's because the U.S. Department of Energy has now banned the production of all incandescent bulbs. So you're now forced to use energy-efficient light bulbs if you want to be able to turn on the lights in your home.

You've heard lots about how much better these bulbs are for the environment and how they save money. But what the powers that be aren't telling you is that these bulbs are loaded with mercury!

As you may know, mercury is one of the most toxic substances on the planet—more so than arsenic or lead. It's so dangerous, if you took the amount of mercury found in just one of these light bulbs and buried it in your back yard, you could be fined by the Environmental Protection Agency. (That's right— you've got one government agency making you use mercury, and another agency fining you for using it!)

Yes, each light bulb contains dangerous amounts of mercury. And guess what happens if you drop one and it breaks—or worse, it cracks while it's still in a lamp or lighting fixture and you don't even know it?

Toxic mercury vapor leaks out.

When these energy-efficient bulbs break, the mercury inside them releases mercury vapor into the air. And this vapor is extremely dangerous. In its vapor form, mercury is instantly inhaled into your lungs and passed along to your bloodstream.

And even just a microscopic amount can cause lasting damage.

How mercury kills healthy cells and
devastates your immune system

Once it enters your bloodstream, mercury attaches to proteins and enzymes, altering their function and ultimately killing healthy cells. It also devastates your immune system and depletes your body of its most important antioxidant, glutathione (glue-tah-thigh-own).

This depletion of glutathione leaves you more prone to damage from toxins and free radicals. Plus a glutathione deficiency makes fatigue worse!

As dangerous as just a small amount of mercury can be to your health, it's shocking how much mercury vapor can be released by a single broken bulb. It's as high as 800 micrograms per cubic meter within the first hour. That's eight times the average mercury exposure limit for a full eight hours allowed by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)! (I'm starting to wonder if these government agencies ever talk to each other.)

Here's something that's even scarier. The recommended mercury exposure limit for children is a mere 0.2 micrograms per cubic meter. So a young child exposed to a cracked energy efficient bulb will receive a whopping four thousand times the recommended amount of mercury vapor!

If that amount isn't lethal, at the very least it could make a young child seriously ill.

But that's not all. If one of these newfangled light bulbs is ever cracked or broken in your home, it doesn't release all of the mercury right away. It takes a full four days for a damaged 13-watt energy efficient bulb to release just 30% of its mercury.

The rest of the mercury stays trapped in the bulb. So if you pick up shards with your bare hands even days later, or leave them in a poorly ventilated room, you also risk poisoning yourself!

Yet even if you never break or crack a single light bulb, your body is still soaking up heavy metals like mercury on a daily basis. And they may be having some surprising effects on your health…

What's really making you so tired—and how to get back your long-lasting energy

Let's start with fatigue. If you're wondering why you're so tired all the time and have a lot less energy than you used to, the culprit could be mercury.

Studies show mercury exposure can trigger fatigue, along with poor memory and focus, weakness, headaches, and other problems. Most doctors. completely miss this hidden cause, even though this dangerous toxin is almost everywhere you look.

It's not just in the new energy-efficient light bulbs. You consume a little mercury whenever you eat fish or seafood. You breathe it in every time you fill up your gas tank.

And you unknowingly ingest mercury in many other ways, since it's hidden in cosmetics, laxatives, fabric softeners, air conditioner filters, most dental fillings, and flu shots and other vaccines.

All this mercury accumulates in your body over time. This build-up starts to take a toll on your health — unless you take steps to remove it.

In a moment, I'm going to tell you about a natural, simple, and clinically-proven solution that can do just that…and dramatically boost your energy and erase your most stubborn health problems. But first, let me introduce myself.

My name is Dr. Nan Kathryn Fuchs. For more than 30 years I've had patients come to me with frustrating health problems they couldn't get rid of.

They suffered from fatigue, joint aches, digestive problems, poor memory, and other health concerns. Yet nothing they tried seemed to help — whether it was a conventional or alternative therapy.

Once I started working with these patients, something remarkable happened. They finally started getting better. In some cases the transformation was downright amazing. Why?

Because instead of simply treating their symptoms, I began to address the real underlying cause of their health problems: toxins that had built up in their bodies for decades!

How to finally stop feeling so rotten
and start feeling like YOU again

If you're struggling to get rid of fatigue and other stubborn health problems, you, too, could be suffering from a build-up of mercury and other toxins. In fact, chances are good your body is overloaded with heavy metals, chemicals, pesticides, and pollutants.

All that mercury I just told you about builds up in your body's cells and tissues over time. Meanwhile, lead, arsenic, aluminum, cadmium, and other toxic heavy metals are lurking in products you use every day and also pose serious risks.

On top of it all, the average American comes into contact with a slew of toxic chemicals and pesticides every day without realizing it. These toxic chemicals are in everything from plastic bottles to fruits, vegetables, bread, condiments, and much more.

Left unchecked, this nonstop toxic exposure can keep you from ever getting better—and can set you up for even worse health problems down the road. But what's really scary is, there are MORE of these toxic threats cropping up than ever before…and in some very surprising places.

I'm going to share with you the same natural, clinically proven breakthrough I've used with patients to help them detoxify their bodies, get back their energy, and get rid of their stubborn health problems. But first, let me warn you about another household item you're constantly in contact with that you probably never dreamed could be harmful to your health…

As much as 10% of your sofa's weight could be toxic chemicals!

If you have a sofa, think about this: Every time you sit down on it you could be exposed to a dangerous toxic chemical. What is this toxic chemical? Fire retardant.

The state of California has required the use of fire retardants in furniture since 1975. As a result, most furniture manufacturers douse their upholstered sofas and chairs with this hazardous chemical, no matter which state the furniture is sold in.

You might think we need fire retardants for safety, right? But guess what…we don't. A recent article in The New York Times cited a top fire safety scientist who claims fire retardants provide little if any delay in order to escape a fire. They also lead to much more toxic fumes.

So why do we have these dangerous chemicals in our sofas and chairs? Because of lobbying.

Thanks to the strong lobbying power of the chemical industry, manufacturers aren't just required to use fire retardants. They're encouraged to pour enough fire retardant into the foam of your upholstered sofa, loveseat, or favorite chair to make up as much as 10% of its weight!

This overload of hormone-disrupting chemicals has been shown to be toxic to your brain and reproductive system in hundreds of studies. Other research links fire retardants to obesity, abnormal cell growth, children's learning disorders, and much more.

If you have a chair or sofa in your home, chances are good it contains these hazardous chemicals. A joint Duke University and University of California-Berkeley study found a whopping 85% of sofas in people's homes have been treated with fire retardants. This doesn't just include upholstered furniture, it includes leather—since it's the foam cushions inside that are soaked with these harmful chemicals.

Many of these fire retardants are so unsafe, they're now banned from being used. But sofas and chairs that contain them are still sitting in millions of homes today— maybe even yours! That's especially true if your furniture is more than 10 years old, since prior to 2005, manufacturers used the most dangerous fire retardants.

But there's another dangerous chemical you come into contact with daily…and it's hiding in some of the "healthiest" foods you eat each day!

Why even organic produce isn't safe

If you're like most of my readers and patients, you try to eat a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. You might even try to buy organic most of the time.

But the truth is, the use of pesticides on ALL of our food is so widespread, it's impossible to avoid completely. Even if you eat organic, you're still getting some of the run-off from pesticides used on other crops.

It's no wonder the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) now reports more than 90% of U.S. residents carry a mixture of toxic pesticides in their bodies!

This alarmingly high percentage ONLY includes exposure to DDT and 42 other common pesticides. Yet there are 1,241 other pesticide compounds you're also exposed to in tens of thousands of products.

Banned in Europe, 100% legal
here in the U.S.!

The amount of pesticides the average American is exposed to keeps climbing to ever higher levels. One of the most common pesticide compounds is pyrethroids (pie-ree-throids). This dangerous compound showed up in more than 75% of the people tested in the CDC research report I just told you about.

Pyrethroids are insecticides widely used in agriculture, in home and garden pest products, and for lice control. They've been shown to trigger vomiting, diarrhea, and a "pins and needles" sensation on your skin. Meanwhile, chronic, longterm exposure can produce damaging effects on your brain and nervous system.

Think about it…these chemicals are toxic enough to the nervous system of bugs that they kill them almost instantly. So it's no wonder they can harm the brains and nervous systems of humans as well. Yet many of the foods we eat here in the U.S. contain
these toxic pesticides — which are so dangerous the European Union is in the process of banning them!

I just told you about hidden toxins you're exposed to from light bulbs, upholstered furniture, pesticide-laden fruits and vegetables, and more. But this is just the tip of the iceberg.

There are many other hidden threats like these in your home and in the food you eat. Yet chances are you or your doctor isn't connecting these hazardous yet 100% legal chemicals and heavy metals to your stubborn health problems. But the undeniable truth is…

This poisonous chemical soup is
making you and your family SICK!

At no other time in history has the human body been bombarded with so many toxins. This accumulated, piled-on, decades' worth of toxic build-up in your body's cells and organs adds up to a major health risk. And it's being all but IGNORED by most doctors and the rest of the mainstream health establishment.

The truth is, your body was designed to handle a much lower toxic load than what you're exposed to now. It's getting sacked with an overwhelming amount of chemicals, heavy metals, and other poisons on a daily basis.

And your body's detoxifying organs can't get rid of them all on its own. So these toxins' negative effects often go unnoticed…until the damage is done!

In fact, according to Matthew Cave, MD, assistant professor of medicine at the University of Louisville, more than 1-in-3 American adults has suffered liver damage. And that's excluding people with hepatitis or alcoholism. He based this figure on the percentage of people he evaluated with abnormal levels of a liver enzyme associated with liver injury.

While rising rates of obesity are a factor, Dr. Cave believes ongoing low-level exposure to environmental pollutants— such as pesticides and heavy metals— are also to blame. That's because these toxins increase levels of a liver enzyme associated with liver injury…making your liver less able to perform its detoxifying duties.

This build-up of toxins puts a huge burden not just on your liver, but on other vital organs over time. And it's making you sicker each day. So how can you protect yourself?

In just 24 hours, you could start eliminating dangerous toxins from your body!

You might think there's nothing you can do about these toxins building up in your body and causing so many health problems. But the good news is, there IS a solution that's easy, works quickly, and is proven to work in human clinical studies.

I've been getting letters for years from people who say this simple detox solution has worked wonders for even their most stubborn health problems, including fatigue. And as I mentioned earlier, I've seen some amazing transformations with my patients who've used it also.

What is this simple yet powerful solution?

It's NOT a juice or lemon water cleanse.

It's NOT a harsh mixture of laxative-like ingredients, either.

It's a 100% natural supplement that's been proven in human clinical trials to start reducing your body's toxic load in as little as 24 hours.

This exciting detox breakthrough is called Pectasol® Detox Formula —and it's gentle but powerfully effective. Its main ingredient is a unique, patented form of modified citrus pectin (MCP).

MCP comes from the rinds of citrus fruits. It's a potent chelating substance for removing heavy metals and toxins.

But there's a problem with most kinds of MCP. Because they come from long-chain carbohydrates, they can be too large for your body to absorb. Even taking large amounts of powdered MCP mixed with water may not be well enough absorbed to have a beneficial effect.

The only natural detox solution proven
to work in human clinical trials

That's why Pectasol® Detox Formula contains a patented form of MCP called Pectasol®. Pectasol® is the ONLY form of MCP—and the only natural detox solution, period — that's been clinically proven to detoxify and eliminate heavy metals in human studies.

In one clinical trial, patients were tested for 20 different toxic heavy metals, as well as helpful minerals like calcium and magnesium. They were then given Pectasol® to take daily.

Six days later, the researchers measured the patients' levels of heavy metals and minerals again. And the results were good.


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